
Collagen Powder Review & Surprises

About a year ago, I heard about the long list of benefits of adding collagen powder to your coffee, but I had forgotten about it.  I recently injured my knee during a workout and even though my knee has improved, I still have random pains and annoyances.  I decided to try out collagen powder because I had heard it is a great supplement for runners benefiting the joints and muscles.

Little did I realize, there would be so many other benefits that I would find absolutely astounding.  Some other benefits I read about:

  • Hair, skin, nails, and teeth strengthening
  • Strengthen the bones
  • Gut Health
  • Balancing Hormones
  • SLEEP! (This is the first one I noticed!  I have been sleeping SO WELL!)
  • Joint and muscle health
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Energy!!
  • and more…

I reviewed the products on Amazon and read their ratings and feedback.  I decided on Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides by Sports Research Get It HERE! because it has the best reviews, but it is also from a grass-fed source.  As soon as it arrived, I couldn’t wait to try it and added a scoop to my coffee.  There isn’t any taste to it, but it made my coffee a little creamier. Here is where I get my Collagen CLICK HERE!


After almost a week of using this once a day, the very first thing I have noticed is my sleep!  WHAT?  I have been sleeping so soundly!  I didn’t know if it was related to the collagen powder, so I looked up the benefits and sure enough, SLEEP is one of the benefits of taking this amazing supplement.  I can always use help with that!  Who doesn’t, right?

Here is an article that I found that lists all of the benefits. Click HERE to read the article.  Some of the benefits listed include:  Growth and strength for hair and nails, improved skin, strengthen joints, improved sleep, improved gut health, lessen anxiety, boosts metabolism and energy output, and more!  I’m sold!

So, less than a week in and the first and most important benefit I have noticed is my sleep!  Like I said, I have slept so well and I actually wake up ready to go for the day with so much more energy!  Amazing, right!  I am excited to see the rest of the benefits to come!  I will update in a week or so again…


NOTE:  If you decide to make a purchase from the links above, I will receive a small commission for it, at no additional cost to you.  Thank you!

UPDATED 1/26/18:  So after just a few days of one scoop a day, I noticed the first benefit…SLEEP!  I have been sleeping so well it is shocking!  Now over a week later, I have noticed a huge energy surge, most of the day, but especially waking up with a lot of energy.  I don’t need to sit and drink 2 cups of coffee anymore before I get going!  Now, after half a cup, I am busy doing stuff before the kids get up!  That’s a HUGE plus for me.  Now the last thing I have noticed already this week is my nails!  My nails are already growing so fast!  I can’t wait to see more of the benefits the longer I take this supplement!


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