
Coffee Lovers, have you tried this?

I have been an avid coffee drinker for years.  Actually, I believe it started in high school with a lot of cream and sugar added to it and over the years the way I drink my coffee has changed to fit my lifestyle.  I have been at the flavored coffee creamer stage and then at the total opposite end to just a touch of almond or coconut milk in my coffee. Whatever the stage may be, I drink my coffee all day long, quite a few cups a day.  Oh and there has also been the completely caffeine full cups to the dreaded decaf.  The decaf was when I was pregnant each time with my three girls.  Oddly enough, as much as I love my coffee, when I was pregnant, I couldn’t stand the smell of coffee, it made me nauseous through a large part of all three pregnancies.

My cup of Joe now is actually a half-calf with a touch of almond milk and a scoop of collagen and sometimes I add in a teaspoon of grass-fed butter.  My high school coffee drinking self would have laughed at this one.

Anyways, my new love is my Aerolatte (Click Here) that I received for Christmas.  It is my new best friend in some ways and actually my girls love to use it on the homemade hot chocolate too (Get the recipe HERE)!  If you have never heard of it, it is basically a unique portable frother for you cup of Joe and since adding my collagen powder to my coffee, it makes my cup of Joe a smooth frothy delight!  To get yourself an AeroLatte, click HERE (My next blog post will be about adding the powerful Collagen Powder, which I wish I would have started years ago!  The stuff is amazing for hair, skin, nails, sleep, joints, muscles, hormones, etc.)

Note:  If you decide to purchase from any of the links above, I will receive a small comission at no additional cost to you as part of the Amazon Associates Program.  Thank you!

How do you take your morning, afternoon, or all day Cup Of Joe?


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